Smart Intuitive Help System

Discover the most innovative user help system developed to date!
Communion Marketing has develop the most innovative and comprehensive approach to creating an efficient and user-friendly ‘Help System’. We are offering this service in conjunction with Weppsol Technologies in New Zealand.
Would you like to:
- Reduce your ongoing tech support cost ?
- Improve your client’s satisfaction with the ease of configuring your app for their desired goals ?
- Improve your client’s satisfaction by enabling them to make the most of your apps features, because it easy to understand and implement ?
- Improve your apps ratings on various sites and thus increase sales ?
- Stand heads above your competitors with your help system ?
Then we are here to help you!
The Problem
- Most App designer cannot distinguish the trees from the forest so they design their Help system from the developer’s perspective
- Eloquence, clarity and succinctness might not be one of their fortes as functionalities and coding is their primary environment.
- Difficulty in finding desired documentation
-Un-user-friendly help system structure, navigation and search function
- Most Help systems are out of date, not reflective of current app version
- Lacking screen captures representing parameter’s options - Lacking video tutorials
Programs that are not convenient to use will be abandoned by users, sooner or later, because you simply can’t work with them efficiently.
The Solution
- An experienced app user’s mind is what is needed to create the best possible Help System.
- Knowledge of international terminologies conventions in the world of apps and choosing words that will be clearly understood by the greatest number of people.
- Designing a Help system that is for the lowest common denominator. A help system designed for ‘Dummies’.
- Innovative tools to represent information clearly and succinctly
- Using the latest ‘Interactive Video’ technology for tutorials
- A series of devices and symbols that help user quickly find the documentation they need
The Outcome
- Minimize the learning curve and knowledge gap
- Higher work productivity
- Almost all parameter options are will be self-explanatory
- User won’t have to search through endless documentation to find answers for their particular context - Users will be able to configure functionalities much faster
- The process will be very efficient and cost effective
- Users will recommend your product to others
- Users will (be more inclined to) write more compelling reviews
- Your revenues will increase - Your reputation will improve
We offer this service in 4 languages from Native speakers
- English
- French
- Hindi
- Spanish
Areas of your help system we will improve or create
- Online documentation
- Forum: Integration with documentation
- Contextual help: In same page as parameters
- - - ToolTips
- - - HT = Help Top: Top of parameter backend pages.
- - - HS = Help Section: just below a section title
- - - HP = Help Parameter: Below a parameter line/title
- - - IS = Install Successful page
- Diagrams /Schematics giving overview of parameter and app systems structure
- Interactive Video tutorials
- Nomenclature
- - - Parameter names
- - - Section names
- - - Option names
- - - Standardize terminology
- Help Legend
- - - Links to further help
- - - Parameter Nature
- - - Typography Convention
- - - Word conventions & Glossary:
- Parameter grouping; backend
- Backend menus: overall structure
- Ticket support system: ability to copy tickets to forum and FAQ
- Screen captures
- Parameter Options Screen Capture ToolTip
- Index to help pages
- Table of content of App documentation by systems
- List all Documentation pages alphabetically
Contact Us to receive a PDF documents with a full description of our service
Other complementary services we offer
- We can integrate your new help system into your app and website
- We offer web design work in many CMS’s including Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Shopify, Magento and many others
- We produce sales videos using ‘Interactive Video’
- We can translate your help system into English, French, Spanish and Hindi with native speakers
- We can install a ticket support & forum system for you.
- Smartphone app design
Contact us for an estimate in the form above or go to contact page >>>
Here is a great article on Intuitive Help Systems
Why choose us?
What enables us to provide this very specialized service is Raymond Morris’ 40 years experience with using computers and application. It all started in 1984 with the Commodore 64 and then the Atari and then the Apple and so on. And on the Web since 1997 building website.
This experience enables Raymond to know what are the most conventional terms to use in any given platform or software environment.
Also having used an extremely wide range of application in this time frame, it enables him to quickly grasp any apps uses, features and applications. Having worked in B2B and B2C market research, he has vast range of understanding of many industries.
His interest in science has also contributed to his vast knowledge of systems, principles and laws.
We currently are not aware of any enterprise offering this service, let alone having developed a ‘state of the art’ Help system as we have.
Are you ready to greatly reduce your client/technical support costs and improve greatly your customers’ satisfaction?
Yours innovatively!
Raymond Morris