Web Directory & Portals Specialist, New Revenues

Additional Innovative Revenue Stream Identification

As an expert Web Architect solely dedicated to “Natural Wellness Industry”, I have built up a repertoire of innovative revenue sources for Web Portals in this field. We are probably the only such agency offering such an exhaustive list of revenues for Directories or large Web Portals in the World. This list has been compiled over 12 years and would costs you 10s of thousands of dollars in time to research and compile yourself. In addition, these have been compiled focusing on the “Natural Wellness Industry” but they apply to most industries.

RGE = Revenue Generating Element

There are many levels to this knowledge, starting with the revenue source concept all the way to the packaging of this product for ease of conversion/sale and how to adapt it to your specific Web environment and industry sector. Depending on the revenue generating stream, steps will vary.

In addition you will be given a list of features (best practices) that all good Directories and Portal should have. These add value to your site for users and members but in most cases do not create direct revenue streams, but a great deal of value, user friendliness, ease of navigation and structure to your site.

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Summary breakdown of these steps

These steps apply to every new revenue stream in varying degrees:

- List revenue stream concepts

- Identification of relevant possible variations of RGS you would like to implement

- Identification of best way to implement this into your business model/website

- How it may affect or be connected to other aspects of your site

- Identify features, controls/parameters that will be needed for front end

- Identify features, functionalities that will be needed for back end

- Research & select best component/plugin/application or source/supplier to implement this RGS

- Install Configure Component

- Decide on variations of product and their respective prices

- Prepare description of new revenue products and all its variation

- Prepare sales (pitch) page content, text, images, links, etc.

- Prepare purchase form and payment options

- Prepare automation for content submission

- Identify how you will promote this new product

- Implement promotion campaign, write text, assemble images, etc.

- Prepare promotional sales video

- Prepare a video tutorial on use of new product for site visitors/users

- Prepare a video tutorial on use of new product for registered users of your website

- Prepare a video tutorial for staff to manage product/component.

- Create a FAQ for product

- Configure & test for all display sizes (Laptop, tablets, smartphone, etc.)

- Do all SEO copywriting and meta-tags, page title, URL etc.

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The process of choosing new revenue streams

- Identify which ones you would like to consider implementing and eliminate those you clearly have no interest in.

- Evaluate revenue potential for each RGS

- Evaluate cost & time of implementation for each RGS

- Decide order (priority) of implementation of RGSs

- Assign Tasks to suppliers and staff

- Implement

- Test, test, test

- Launch new RGS


Phase 1

- I will compile a tailored list of potential Revenue Generating Streams (RGS) that are pertinent for your website environment and industry.

- I will provide you a list of Potential Revenue Generating Streams in an Excel document with some notes on how these can work in your context.

- I will provide you with content ideas that can add value to your sites and in some cases create indirect revenue

This can include a Skype (or Google Hangout, Zoom) call, with screen share, where I will provide a summary explanation of the various RGSs on how they can function in your environment, where needed, and answer any questions. This conversation can be recorded with screen capture software for later referral, as we will cover many things in a short period of time. Examples (demo sites) of these RGSs can also be shared of Skype.


Phase 2

I will assist you to:

- Identify which ones of these RGSs you would like to consider implementing and eliminate those you clearly have no interest in.

- Identify & recommend improvements to current revenue sources, automation & content submission

- Evaluate revenue potential for each RGS

- Evaluate cost & time of implementation for each RGS

- Decide order (priority) of implementation of RGSs


Phase 3

Implement 1st RGE following the applicable steps above.


Going Forward

We will do this in multiples phases so you can get to know the quality of our services, step by step, and never be over committed.

Communion Marketing can function in the following capacities allowing existing staff or suppliers to be integrated into the process:

- RGS Architect

- Project Manager

- Web developers for the implementations of components/plugins

- Custom programming of components, add-ons, plugins, modules, widgets, etc.

- Feedback of RGS sales presentation and user instructions

- Content production: copywriting, page building, etc.

Most Recent Testimonials

Dear Raymond,

"Your presentation is very detailed and presents a incredible array of different marketing avenues, module systems and revenue generators. This was very surprising for a firm who has been in the web Radio business since 2003 and we thought we knew it all.

It is well laid out and eye opening. Thank you for providing our company such a comprehensive new revenue source document."


Douglas Newsom

BBS Radio

1500 Pleasant Hill Rd.
Lafayette, CA 94549
(530) 240-5861


Tags: directory holistic directory wellness directory retreat directory alternative medecine directory